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Scott-EuropeanLaboratory diagnostics
Laboratory diagnostics
HemoCue Нв 201+ and Hemo Cue Glucose 201+ systems
HemoCue Нв 201+ and Hemo Cue Glucose 201+ systems


HemoCue Нв 201+ and Hemo Cue Glucose 201+ systems, well-recognised all over the world dut to their laboratory accuracy, usability, quick results and a small amount of blood necessary for tests, are good choices for long-run usage. These systems provide high-quality analysis of haemoglobin and glucose levels at the point of treatment.

Specially designed analysor and microcuvettes are used in these systems. Tests, carried out at a Russian-Swedish clinicodiagnostic laboratory, Unimed Laboratories, Moscow (accredited as an expert laboratory by Ministry of Health of RF, ref.│42-5-005-02 от 11.03.2002), have proved results reliability and usability of these systems. Therefore, analysers Hemo Cue are recommended for different medical institutions: hospital laboratories, clinic laboratories, ambulances, Emergencies Ministry and hospital departments.

Manufacturer: HemoCue



Каталог продукции

Выбор продукции



  • Stolter
  • Hill-Rom
  • HemoCue
  • Matachana
  • Metro
  • Draeger
  • Steelco
  • OGSI
  • MIL'S
  • ACUTRONIC Medical Systems AG
  • PhaSeal® System
  • SHD